Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism
Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism – history and who, why and how is it:
Volunteer tourism or Voluntourism is similar with volunteer journeys or holidays and it means to go in another city or area or in another country even continent where to practice a voluntary work without being paid or in a best case to be low paid. This is done for the benefit of the local community in a charity way. The purpose of these visits is to make some good where people need us. First signs of the volunteer tourism appeared in United States of America during J. F. Kennedy presidency in 1953 through the International Volunteer Services or later through the Peace Corps Organisation in 1961. But in the first years of voluntourism the largest operation of this kind was in 1971 through Earthwatch organisation. They tried to attract different volunteers to help scientist in different projects.
Voluntourism developed more and more in time, especially after 1990, together with the modern technology. Mainly, this type of tourism is practiced by students who choose to spend their summer holidays in this way or they choose different programs to do volunteer work in another country so they will have another experience. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) Those implied in these types of experiences, see this opportunity with different eyes. Others see it as a possibility to travel and see new places and people, to make new friends and finally to have the holidays they dreamed at, but on less money. Others see it as a possibility to grow in career, a plus at their CVs/Resumes and to learn new things, to make some good to others, while for many of them this experience will change their lives and way of thinking.
Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism – importance and ideas in the new millennium and the duration of a program:
Beginning the new millennium, youth has another mentality regarding volunteer tourism and they choose to participate in different projects to get more experience and add something at their CVs, experience to help them find a better job. For many volunteers the biggest problem arises when there is not enough money. Most likely, volunteer tourism is not paid and transport, accommodation and other costs are not covered and they need to be paid by the volunteer. But there are many companies which offer projects that include food and accommodation for the entire stay at that location, just because you are there to help the local community.
Today, there are hundreds of websites worldwide, organisations running different volunteer projects or others as third part companies. Many of these volunteer projects and programs need young people who want to teach in the low developed communities, others who want to help building schools and other buildings, others who love nature and animals and want to be implied in saving threatened animals and many others. The duration of a program for voluntourism starts from 2-3 weeks till few months, most of the people choosing to stay the longest period just to integrate in that community and have an unforgettable experience. If you are patient enough to search online, you will see there are many companies which for your voluntary help will offer free meals and accommodation or even some money.
Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism – who, where and how you can practice volunteer tourism:
Most of the volunteer programs are designed for youths between the age of 16 and 30. There are many companies in each country which offer different possibilities to participate at voluntary projects and to be also a tourist in the same time. For example you can practice voluntourism and go surfing and visit Peru while teaching English in the local youth community, you can help to build schools and accommodation or other buildings in countries like Ghana, Cameroon, Tanzania, Philippines, South Africa, Jamaica, India and others. As well you can help to collect tea leaves in Sri Lanka or India, help in protecting fauna and flora from Madagascar, you can work in orphanages in countries like India, Ghana, Jamaica, Mexico, Bolivia, Mongolia, Tanzania and others or you can teach English, French or other languages in countries like Argentina, Cambodia, Ecuador, Fiji, Nepal and many other countries.
Also, there are other possibilities to practice volunteer tourism like saving the elephants and other threatened animals from Thailand, you can help to conserve the jungle in Costa Rica or to conserve the savanna from Kenya, you can conserve the shark species from Fiji or South Africa, you can teach different sports in a country you choose to go or you can be involved in different projects of archaeology and more. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) Other people choose to work in agriculture in countries like Jamaica, Argentina, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Uganda, Ghana, Togo and others or choose to teach how to play a musical instrument, how to dance, how to draw or teach other activities the local communities in South Africa, Senegal, Bolivia, India, Ecuador, Jamaica and others.
Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism – conclusion and what we recommend:
So, as you can see volunteer tourism is a very complex activity which many teenagers today want to experience. More than half of the questioned teenagers had already an experience like this or plan to have one in the next future. You can change your life style and vision of life and it will help you see places where many others can’t get to and also to strengthen your spirituality because it offers you the possibility to do some good things for the poor and low developed communities. Many projects will ask for lots of money from you, but remember to search carefully and patiently and you will find places and people, companies and non-profit organisations who for your help will offer at least accommodation and daily meals during your stay. Choose a program like this and try to stay there minim one month to understand how those people live. For sure you will have a lifetime journey and experience if you practice volunteer tourism!
Tips & Tricks
First of all voluntourism means work experience gained for your CV
Volunteering means to do good where is needed
Also it means to see new places and make new friends
To go for voluntourism, check specialized websites
Attention: There are many websites that ask you lots of money for voluntourism. There are also many companies, people and organisations which don’t ask for money except to cover your transport tickets at least
Voluntourism offers you the possibility to see places you only dreamed at
Remember: Most of the times you are not paid for volunteering
There are also places where you get free accommodation and meals for your help
A volunteer project usually lasts between 2-3 weeks and few months
Most of the projects are made for young people between 16 and 30 years old
Volunteering offers you the possibility to see new cultures and it can change your way of thinking and lifestyle