This state is an archipelago from Oceania formed by 80 coral or volcanic islands situated in Pacific Ocean north-east of Australia and New Caledonia, west of Fiji and south of Solomon Islands.
12.190 km²
230.000 people
Port Vila 50.000 people
Languages spoken:
English, French, Bislama
Roman-Catholic, Presbyterian
Government form:
Republic, Democracy
Time zone:
+11 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Islands, relief and climate in Vanuatu:
Vanuatu is an archipelago with letter Y form extended from south-east to north-west on a distance of 800 km. The largest islands are Efate (here is the capital Port Vila), Aneityum, Tanna, Erromango, Epi, Malekula, Ambrym, Pentecost, Ambae, Maewo, Espiritu Santo, Santa Maria, Vanua Lava and Torres. The relief of these islands is volcanic and the highest peak is Tabwemasana of 1.877 m height. The climate is tropical wet with oceanic influences, with constant temperatures between 23 and 27º C and a high rainfall over 2.500 mm per year when is the danger of tropical cyclones in the rainy season.
Population, agriculture and tourism:
The population of this archipelago established here several thousands of years ago and more than 90% are represented by the Ni-Vanuatu tribe, descendants of the Melanesian population. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) They are involved in agriculture cultivating coco trees, cacao, coffee trees, yams and taro, in fishing and in tourism which is very well developed due to the beautiful sandy beaches, spectacular landscapes and the variety of cultures. The country obtained the independence from France and Great Britain at 30 June 1980. Visit Vanuatu!
Guest houses in beautiful landscape