States of America
U.S.A. is situated in the central part of North America between Canada in north and Mexico in south and between Pacific Ocean in west and Atlantic Ocean in east.
9.800.000 km²
313.000.000 people
Washington DC 5.700.000 people
American dollar
Languages spoken:
English and Spanish
Roman-Catholic, Baptist and Methodist
Government form:
Republic, Democracy
Time zone:
-5 hours to -10 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

United States of America
Importance, states and relief of United States of America:
United States of America is the most powerful country in the world, with numerous and rich natural resources, but also has the highest standard of living because of its status as one of the most powerful economies of the world. It’s on the 3rd place as surface after Russia and Canada and on the same 3rd place as population but this time after China and India. U.S.A. got its name because of the 50 states that compound it with their own courthouses and own government, plus the District of Columbia where is the capital of the country, Washington DC with the presidential power.
Forty eight states are situated in the interior of United States of America and the other two like Alaska at the north-western part of Canada and Hawaii Islands are situated to the exterior. The relief is very complex, two mountain chains dominating the landscape. Rocky Mountains in the west part of the country are very young and many of the peaks are more than 4.000 m height. In east are Appalachian Mountains around 2400 km long parallel to the Atlantic Ocean. Of course, huge territories covered with plains or deserts can be also seen here.
Rivers, lakes, resources, agriculture and population of United States of America:
In the center of United States of America where the agriculture is very popular, can be found two of the most important rivers from U.S.A. The longest one is Mississippi which is also the 3rd longest river in the world. Not to forget Missouri or Colorado Rivers, very important in the economy and landscape of the country. In north, at the border with Canada, it’s the territory of the Great Lakes, well known in the world. (Find more journeys on
The most important resources of U.S.A. are the ones of plumb and iron, oil and wood, but also important reserves of coal. Agriculture is one of the most important activities for the people in United States of America. The first inhabitants of the country were the indigenous people and later the Europeans colonized it in the XVII and XVIII centuries. United States of America obtained its independence on 4th July 1776 when it was signed the Declaration of Independence. Nowadays, the population is composed from Europeans (mostly), Afro-Americans, Hispanics and Indigenous people.
The capital, lakes, resources, states and cities from the east part of USA:
The east part of United States of America was the first colonized by Europeans and also the richest and most industrialized area. The Atlantic Ocean is in east and Erie and Ontario Lakes in north towards Canada. Going in west, there are the Appalachian Mountains, some of the oldest mountains in the world and also rich in coal, iron and zinc resources. The states from the east part are: New Hampshire, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Virginia de Vest, New York, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Maine. There are lots of big cities in the area, but the forests and fertile lands are very important.
Washington DC has been chosen as capital and place for the National Government in 1790. The Capitol building is the place for the U.S. Congress and the capital is also the place for the U.S. president in the famous White House. The well known universities like Harvard and Yale are here in the east part of the Unite States of America. in Massachusetts and Connecticut. New York City is the most important city in the country and the largest one with Hudson River crossing it through the middle. It is situated mostly on Manhattan Island and it’s the world center of commerce and business. It’s also a complex of cultures and we definitely don’t lie if we say that here you can find any type of people.
Agriculture, relief, rivers, lakes, climate, cities and states from the Middle West and the Great Lakes part from United States of America:
Another part of United States of America with an important economy is the Middle West and the territory of the Great Lakes. In west is the Rocky Mountains system, but then to the center is a huge area with plains, platforms and small hills like Smoky Hills or Black Hills. The Prairies Platform is a barrier between the hills and mountains. This platform is part of the states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. A long time ago, this place was very popular for over 50 millions of bison who have fed here.
Nowadays here the agriculture is very intensive because of the fertile soil. Cereals like rye, barley, lucerne and corn are cultivated here but the people are taking care of the cows too. The most important rivers are Mississippi and Missouri which cross the country from north to south before the last one inflows in Mississippi River close to St. Louis City. These ones are very important for the agriculture, but also for the production of electricity. In north there are the Great Lakes like Superior Lake, Michigan Lake, Huron Lake, Erie Lake and Ontario Lake, with the last one situated on the east part of the United States of America.
They have formed in the last boulder period, nowadays representing approximately 20% of the world’s fresh water. All these lakes are connected between them and communicate with the ocean through the Gulf of St. Laurence. They modify the climate, making winter to be mild and summer to be chilly.
Lower Falls in Yellowstone National Park, United States of America
The states from the Middle West and the Great Lakes part from United States of America are 16. Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. The engineering system is very important here and also the area of the Great Lakes is popular in agriculture. Illinois state is the most important producer of soy. The largest cities from here are: Cleveland, Milwaukee and Chicago.
States, relief, rivers, agriculture, industry and tourism in the south part of the USA:
The south part of the United States of America has the states: New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida and the relief is varied from the west in New Mexico where is a mountain area to the east where you can find vast territories of plain. Not to forget the little Cumberland platform, the Ouachita Mountains from Arkansas or the well known Appalachian Mountains. The east part is opened to the Atlantic Ocean and in south to the Gulf of Mexico. The most important river of the country, Mississippi, is flowing on the border of the states Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana, before entering the Gulf of Mexico through a vast and beautiful delta near New Orleans.
Cotton production is very important in this part of the country, because Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana or Texas states are very productive in cotton industry, because of the very good climate. (Find more journeys on Other productions like tobacco, rice, sugar cane are very important too, but also the oil extraction. The tourism is very popular in the south part of the United States of America and especially in Florida where are the most foreign tourists. Texas is the first one in cattle breeding, but also for the rich reserves of fossil combustibles.
States, cities, relief, climate, tourism, resources, lakes and industry from the west part of the United States of America:
Not the last, the west part of the United States of America has 7 states. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. And a relief with the Rocky Mountains in east, the big deserts from Arizona and Nevada in south. And an amazing coast is in west at the Pacific Ocean. The largest cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco are opposite to the Rocky Mountains in Idaho or the deserts from Arizona and Nevada which are very low populated. California the biggest state in western U.S.A. has formed because of San Andreas fault (fissure). This is 1050 km in the interior of the state. Sierra Nevada Mountains are also here. Let’s not forget the Great Basin Platform from Nevada or the Sonora and Mojave deserts.
The climate in the west part of the United States of America also varies. From hot and arid areas in south with temperatures frequently over 40º C to humid. But cold areas in north where the temperatures are often below 0º C. The rainfall level is very low in south in Death Valley from California and Nevada. But is growing fast in north in the Rocky Mountains where they are over 2000 mm annually.
The tourism, movies industry, musical or amusement ones, computers industry or that one of advanced technologies are very popular in west and especially in California. Los Angeles has over 16 million people and San Francisco “only” 7 million. The biggest port at the Pacific Ocean is Los Angeles. Not to forget the agriculture of the western states, but mostly California which is one of the first producers of fruits and vegetables, milk but also wine. Nevada is the biggest producer in silver, copper and iron. Close to Salt Lake City, the capital of Utah, is one of the most salted lakes, Great Salt Lake. Las Vegas is one of the most important centers of gambling in the world, because these were legalized in 1931.
Relief, islands, fauna, tourism and activities from Alaska and Hawaii outside United States of America:
The first state from the exterior of United States of America is Alaska, situated in the north-western part of Canada. It has been bought from Russia in 1867 of which is separated by Bering strait. To the west side of the state are Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska, but also the important archipelago of Aleutian Islands. The state is mostly mountainous, with mount McKinley the highest peak in U.S.A. at 6.194 m height.
The locals have as activity the oil exploitation, forestry, fishing and tourism. Fauna is very rich in animals like grey wolves, black and brown bears and flocks of elk. Hawaii is the 2nd exterior state, which is actually a chain of islands in the Pacific Ocean at the south-western part of California. The archipelago has 132 atolls and islands and it is 2400 km long. The landscape is varied from volcanoes like Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, but also from sandy beaches and vast areas with forests. Although fishing is an important activity, tourism is the most important one here, getting more than 10 million dollars annually.