Turks and Caicos
The islands of Turks and Caicos from the Caribbean region are situated in the Caribbean Sea approximately 900-1000 km away of Miami and to the south-eastern part of Bahamas. They are still dependent of Great Britain.
430 km²
46.000 people
Cockburn Town 3.700 people
U.S. dollar
Languages spoken:
Anglican, Methodist
Government form:
Autonomic territory of the Great Britain
Time zone:
-5 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Turks and Caicos Islands
Islands, name, climate, agriculture, economy and population of Turks and Caicos Islands:
The islands of Turks and Caicos contain coral reefs and 8 bigger islands, some of them over 2.000 m height. The 35 km width and over 2 km deep strait between the two groups of islands is called Turks Island Passage. The islands have their name from the cactus called Turk’s Head that grows here. The climate is tropical wet with constant temperatures and rainfall during the year, 25 to 30º C, respective 500 to 700 mm. These conditions are good for people to work in agriculture and to cultivate corn, bean and citrus on those few fertile areas. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The salt business was very important till the 1960-1970’s when the main earning source was changed with fishing, tourism and financial services which together bring today the most part of the earnings. The islands are continuously under the dominance of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd of Great Britain and is an autonomic British territory. The most of the population live on Providenciales island. Visit Turks and Caicos Islands!
Beach on the island of Providenciales in Turks and Caicos