Turkmenistan is a medium size country situated in the western part of Central Asia, opened to the Caspian Sea and has neighbors like Iran and Afghanistan in south, Uzbekistan in north-east and Kazakhstan in north.
490.110 km²
5.130.000 people
Ashgabat 910.000 people
New Manat
Languages spoken:
Turkmen, Uzbek, Russian
Government form:
Republic, Dictatorship
Time zone:
+5 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Relief, climate, rivers and agriculture of Turkmenistan:
This is a country with an unfriendly relief, mostly composed by the Karakum Desert and with a small fertile area at the Caspian Sea. The climate is very harsh due to the temperature variations, where summers are hot and dry with temperatures that often pass over 50º C and winters are often very cold and the temperatures can go down till -20 or even -30º C. Because of the Amu Darya River and the irrigation, some areas of the country can be cultivated with cereals, orchards and cotton.
Resources, industries and population:
This is a country rich in oil and natural gas resources and these industries are followed by the alimentary and textile ones. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The largest part of the population is formed by Turkmens and the rest are Russians and Uzbeks. The country obtained the independence at 27 October 1991 and the capital Ashgabat, destroyed in 1948 by an earthquake is also known in Persian language as The city of love. Visit Turkmenistan!
Ertugul Gazi Mosque in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan