Tonga is an archipelago from Oceania composed by approximately 150 islands and islets from the Pacific Ocean and has as closest neighbors Fiji in west, Samoa in north and American Samoa in east.
748 km²
115.500 people
Nuku’alofa 25.000 people
Languages spoken:
Tongan, English
Roman-Catholic, Methodist
Government form:
Kingdom, Partial Democracy
Time zone:
+13 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Relief, islands, climate, population and agriculture from Tonga:
The largest islands of the Tonga archipelago are: Eua, Tongatapu, Nomuka, Tofua, Ha’apai, Late, Vava’u, Tafahi and Niuatoputapu. The capital that concentrates almost a quarter of the entire population is situated on the largest island, Tongatapu Island. Their relief is volcanic with the presence of several active volcanoes and with a high volcanic activity, but some of the islands are composed by corals. The climate is tropical with the frequently presence of tropical cyclones and the annual media of the temperature is between 18 and 23º C in winter and between 26 and 32º C in summer.
More than 95% of the population is composed by Tongans who are working in agriculture for most of the time. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) Among the main cultivated plants are coco trees, vanilla, pumpkins, citrus, bananas, pineapples, taro, yams, cassava, coffee trees and other tropical fruits. Besides agriculture, important earnings are coming from fishing and the well developed tourism. The archipelago obtained the independence from Great Britain at 04 June 1970. Visit Tonga!
Atata Island