Suceava County is trully breathtaking for all who come here

Welcome to
Suceava County

stema suceava


Suceava County is situated in Moldova-Bucovina region from Romania, in the north part of the country and its neighbors are the following counties: Botosani in east, Iasi in south-east, Neamt, Harghita and Mures in south, Bistrita-Nasaud and Maramures in west and Ukraine in north.


8.553 km²


610.000 people

Capital (Residence):

Suceava City 84.000 people





Calling code:

+4 0230 or 0330


Suceava, Câmpulung Moldovenesc, Fălticeni, Rădăuţi, Vatra Dornei


Broşteni, Cajvana, Dolhasca, Frasin, Gura Humorului, Liteni, Milişăuţi, Salcea, Siret, Solca, Vicovu de Sus

Main roads:

E85(DN2) Ucraina-Siret-Milişăuţi-Suceava-Fălticeni-Cristeşti

E58(DN17, DN29) Bistriţa-Vatra Dornei-Câmpulung Moldovenesc-Frasin-Gura Humorului-Suceava-Salcea-Botoşani

DN17b Vatra Dornei-Broşteni-Poiana Lungului

DN17a Pojorâta-Rădăuţi-Bălcăuţi

DN2e Fălticeni-Solca-Marginea-Vicovu de Sus-Ukraine

DN2k Solca-Cajvana-Milişăuţi

DN29a Suceava-Dorohoi

Suceava county Map

Suceava County


Relief, climate, rivers and lakes of Suceava County:

Suceava County has a relief composed by a plateau area (Moldovei Plateau and Siretului Meadow) and by a larger mountain area (Suhard, Calimani, Bistritei, Stanisoarei, Rarau, Obcinele Bucovinei, Feredeu Obcina, Mestecanis Obcina and Obcina Mare Mountains). The highest elevation is in Pietrosul Bistritei peak of 1.791 meters height. Climate of Suceava County is continental moderate with lower temperatures comparative to the Romanian average, due to the high elevation. Winters are long and cold and summers are cooler. The rainfall varies from 500-600 mm per year in the low areas to 1.200 mm in the high mountain area. The main rivers are Siret, Moldova, Suceava and Bistrita Rivers and the largest lakes are Horodniceni, Dragomirna and Fălticeni.

Fauna and flora, tourist attractions and objectives:

Suceava‘s fauna and flora are similar to the mountain area from Romania with conifer and deciduous forests that dominate the landscape and the animals (mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians) are specific to the plateau and especially to the mountain areas. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The most important tourist attractions and objectives from Suceava County are the unique in the world monasteries from Bucovina (Putna, Sucevita, Moldovita, Arbore, Gura Humorului, Dragomirna, Voronet or Slatioara Monasteries), Calimani National Park, Piatra Pinului, Twelve Apostles and Pietrele Doamnei (Lady’s Rocks) Reservations, Suceava City with its museums (Bucovina Village Museum), Suceava’s Citadel, the ethnographic costumes and bucovina’s traditional ethnography, Vatra Dornei resort, the particularly beautiful hiking trails and mountain landscapes and many others. Visit Suceava County!

Sucevita Monastery from Suceava County (Bucovina)Sucevita Monastery from Suceava County (Bucovina)

stema suceava municipiu Suceava City

Suceava County is trully breathtaking for all who come here
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Suceava County is trully breathtaking for all who come here
Suceava County is situated in North Romania. Unique monasteries, beautiful resort, historic citadels or Suceava City are just a few of the attractions
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