South America
The South American continent is the 4th continent in the world as surface after Asia, Africa and North America and is situated between the two main oceans of the world, the Pacific Ocean in west and the Atlantic Ocean in east. The largest part is in the southern hemisphere.
17.830.000 km²
387.500.000 people
The biggest cities:
Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Lima, Bogota, Caracas, Santiago, Asuncion and others.
Languages spoken:
English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch.
Time zone:
-2 hours to -5 hours Greenwich time

South America
Relief and other aspects about South America:
South America is connected to North America through a narrow isthmus which is represented by Central America. Statistically it’s on the 5th place by population after Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. The relief is complex with the Andes representing a long and high mountain chain in the west part. The central part is covered by pampas and the southern cold part is called Patagonia where there are many glaciers. It has a length of 7.400 km north to south and a maximum width of 5.200 km.
Rivers, population and countries:
The longest rivers the continent are the Amazon River which is also the river with the biggest overflow in the world, then the Orinoco River and the Parana River, all of them flowing in the Atlantic Ocean. (Find more journeys on The Amazonian basin covers an area of 7 million km². The first inhabitants are considered to be the indigenous people like Moche, Chimu or Inca populations. The countries that compose this continent are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela. Visit South America!
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South America:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela