Solomon Islands
These islands are a large archipelago from Oceania (the 3rd in the Pacific Ocean) extended on a distance of more than 1.500 km from south-east to north-west and is situated east of Papua New Guinea, north-west of Vanuatu and north-east of the Solomon Sea.
28.370 km²
560.000 people
Honiara 67.000 people
Solomon Islands Dollar
Languages spoken:
Roman-Catholic, Anglican, Lutheranism
Government form:
Parliamentary Democracy
Time zone:
+11 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Solomon Islands
Islands, relief, climate, vegetation, industry, resources and agriculture in Solomon Islands:
The largest islands of the archipelago are Guadalcanal where the capital and the largest city are situated (Honiara), Malaita, Makira, Rennel, Santa Isabel, New Georgia and Choiseul. These islands have a volcanic mountainous relief where are many active volcanoes and the maximum peak is on the main island, Makarakomburu Mountain of 2.447 m height. The islets close to these islands are actually coral atolls. The most part of these islands are surrounded or have nearby coral reefs, so this country is a tourist heaven especially for divers.
The climate is tropical oceanic with a high rainfall over 3.000 mm annually and constant temperatures between 26 and 30º C. (Find more journeys on The most islands are covered with dense tropical forests with a luxurious vegetation, where tourists can encounter here more than 5.000 species of plants among 230 species are orchids. The main industries economy are the forestry or timber work, the exploitation of gold, nickel and zinc resources present here, the fishing, the tourism and the agriculture. Most of the inhabitants are Melanesians and cultivate coco trees, oil palms, coffee and cacao trees, yams, taro, sweet potatoes, rice, vegetables and tropical fruits. The islands obtained the independence from Great Britain at 07 July 1978. Visit Solomon Islands!
Beautiful beach from Solomon Islands