Welcome to Sighisoara tourist attractions and objectives
Sighisoara Tourist Attractions and Objectives
Here you can find details about all Sighisoara Tourist Attractions and Objectives, including a map where you can see the exact location of an objective plus you will find a description for each tourist attraction/objective.
The Clock Tower from Sighisoara City:
It’s the most imposing tower of Sighisoara citadel with its 64 m height and walls of over 2 m thickness. The construction begun around the XIV century, was ended in the XVI century and until 1556 was the residence of the town hall. Today the tower is the place for the History Museum built in 1899. The Clock Tower is one of the most searched tourist objectives from Sighisoara and its name comes from the clock with figurines of 0.8 m built in XVII century. The tower has also 4 small towers on the roof which symbolize the justice. On the top is a metallic cock which turns around in the wind, so is a help to indicate the weather depending its position. The History Museum from the tower presents the crafts in Transylvania, ethnography objects, musical instruments, numismatics, pharmacy, medical instruments and also art collections and clocks. Also in the Clock Tower is the Torture Room (where prisoners were tortured and executed) and the exposition with medieval torture objects. The Museum of medieval weapons is on the first floor in the house of Vlad Dracul.
The Clock Tower – Sighisoara tourist attractions and objectives
The Clock Tower
Piaţa Muzeului No. 1
+40 265 771108
Opening hours:
Summer (15 May-15 September):
Monday – 10.00-16.30
Tuesday-Friday – 09.00-18.30
Saturday-Sunday – 09.00-16.30
Winter (15 September-15 May):
Monday– Closed
Tuesday-Friday – 09.00-15.30
Saturday-Sunday – 10.00-15.30
History Museum/Clock Tower- 6 RON
Torture room- 4 RON
Medieval Weapon Room – 5 RON
Bought together all these 3 objectives have a unique price of 12 RON (€ 2.8).
Sighisoara Citadel:
Sighisoara Citadel is a symbol of the city which appears since 1999 on the UNESCO World List of protected Cultural Monuments. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The citadel was built initially in 1280, but later were built a high wall of few meters height and 14 towers from which 9 remained today:
The Clock Tower (the most important)
Tanners Tower (built in XIII-XIV century to defend the inner courtyard and is connected with Tins Tower through the Archers Gallery)
Tailors Tower (represents the second entrance in the citadel and in 1935 was restored at its beginning form, as a result of the fire from 1676 which destroyed it almost entirely)
Blacksmiths Tower (built in 1631 on the Barbers Tower place, was the fireman headquarters)
Furriers Tower (built in XV century, was destroyed by fire in 1676, but today is rebuilt)
Shoemakers Tower (built in 1521, was destroyed and rebuilt several times and today is Sighisoara newspaper headquarters and the local radio station)
Butchers Tower (built in XV century, it had a defensive role and here the herds were divided)
Ropes Tower (built in XIII century, is one of the oldest buildings from Sighisoara. It was not destroyed by fire, but was destroyed by Tatar invasion and after rebuilt)
Tins Tower (built in XIII century, was destroyed either by earthquakes or by fires several times and every time rebuilt. It’s a great tower of 25 meters height, connected with Tanners Tower through the Archers Gallery).
A part of Sighisoara Citadel in November
Sighisoara Citadel:
Anyone is free to go around and visit the citadel without any money paid because that is the heart of this city where all the other tourist objectives can be admired. Also, it is an open space with narrow cobbled streets, filled with historic buildings, hotels, restaurants, souvenirs shops and many others. The historic city in Sighisoara Citadel is still alive after more than 700 years and will always give you a warm welcome.
Dominican Monastery Church from Sighisoara:
The Dominican Monastery Church was built in XIII century and it was for 6 centuries until its demolition in XIX century, one of the most beautiful and important tourist objective from Sighisoara. Today unfortunately is only kept its northern side and the old church of Dominican Monastery is today the Evangelic Church. Since the end of XVII century it was kept the actual form and the church built in Gothic style attracts nowadays several faithful people and tourists from all over the world.
Dominican Monastery Church next to the Clock Tower in Sighisoara
Dominican Monastery Church:
Cetăţii Street near to the Clock Tower
+40 265 771195
Opening hours:
Monday – Sunday 10.00 – 17.00
The Church on the hill from Sighisoara:
The church from the hill, built as well in Gothic style between 1345 and 1525, is for sure the most important religious tourist objective from Sighisoara, a real pearl of the medieval citadel. Its name comes from the fact that it was built on a hill within the medieval city walls and its size put it on the 4th place in Transylvania. Its tower with the belfry has 42 m high and in the basement is a crypt from Transylvania with 60 tombs from the 16th-18th century. The church from the hill had a lot of restorations because of the natural phenomenons or because of attracts which destroyed parts from it. The last restoration was between 1934 and 1992-2003. The church is ornate with different decorations, statues, pictures and other religious objects. Today the church attracts annually over 200.000 of tourists.

The Church on the hill – Sighisoara tourist attractions and objectives
The Church on the hill:
Scării Street, No. 10
+40 265 771816
Opening hours:
Monday – Sunday 09.00 – 18.00
Saint Joseph Romano-Catholic Cathedral from Sighisoara:
Saint Joseph Romano-Catholic Cathedral was built in eclectic style in 1896 and after, due to a fire in 1983 needed a serious restoration in 1984. It’s situated on the old former place of Franciscan Nunnery and the Locksmith Tower. The last restoration was between 2005 and 2007. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The cathedral was built by the Letz architect brothers in memory of Saint Joseph. Its sanctification was on 4th of October 1896 and the construction style is inspired by the churches and cathedrals from Northern Italy. Saint Joseph Romano-Catholic Cathedral is the main meeting place for all catholic people from Sighisoara and a place to visit for tourists who come in the Pearl of Transylvania.

Saint Joseph Roman-Catholic Cathedral, Sighisoara City
Saint Joseph Romano-Catholic Cathedral:
Mănăstirii Street, No. 14
+40 265 771816 or +40 745 634764
Opening hours:
Monday – Sunday 09.00 – 18.00
The covered staircase and the School from the Hill in Sighisoara:
The covered staircase is named also the Scholars staircase because it leads to the School from the Hill next to the Church from the Hill. It was built in 1642 having in the beginning 300 stairs, but today has only 175 stairs because of the last modifications. The School from the Hill situated at the end of the covered stairs dates from 1607-1608 as one of the oldest schools from Transylvania. During time, here studied hundreds of thousands of students and the school had different names. For a long time here studied only German students, but starting with 1850, Hungarian and Romanian sections are introduced. Today is still running as a high school under the name of Haltrich High School.
The Covered Staircase which takes you to the School on the Hill in Sighisoara
The covered staircase and the School from the Hill:
Scării Street, No. 5-6
+40 265 772789
The Stag House from Sighisoara:
The Stag House is considered to be the best preserved house from Sighisoara (from over 300 houses, more than half are considered historical monuments), initially was a simple inhabited house from XIII century, but it was transformed in its actual form in XVII century. Its name comes from the stag head attached on the corner of the building. Its last restoration was between 1988 and 2001. Today the stag house has more functions including a hotel with restaurant, headquarter of the Romanian-German cultural center, an exhibition hall or a conference hall.
The Stag House – Sighisoara tourist attractions and objectives
Stag House:
School Street, No. 1
+40 265 774625
The Venetian House from Sighisoara:
The Venetian House was built in XVI-XVII centuries and its name comes from the facade of the building with its windows in Venetian style. It was permanently inhabited from the date of its construction and today is a shelter for the German Democratic Activities. The last serious restoration which gave the actual aspect of the building dates from the XIX century. The Venetian House is also known as Mann house after the former Mayor of Sighisoara who lived here.
The Venetian House – Sighisoara tourist attractions and objectives
The Venetian House:
Cetăţii Square No. 6
Vlad Dracul House from Sighisoara:
Vlad Dracul House was built probably in the XIV century and the most important thing is that here was born and lived Vlad Dracul (Dracula) named also as Vlad Tepes, the great Romanian ruler and son of Mircea the Old. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) He had his house here, between 1431 and 1435 until he was 4 years old. The house is most probably built on the place of the former Paullini house, considered one of the oldest buildings from Sighisoara. Vlad Dracul house is situated next to the Venetian House and today includes a restaurant.
Vlad Dracul House – Sighisoara tourist attractions and objectives
Vlad Dracul House:
Cositorarilor Street, No. 5
+40 265 771596
The Lower Town from Sighisoara:
Even if it’s not so important from tourist point of view like the medieval citadel, the Lower Town from Sighisoara has however some interesting tourist objectives, some of them also considered historic monuments. Among the most important according to the official website of Sighisoara are: Zilinschi House (built in XVIII century), Rosenthal House (built in XIX century), Craftmen House today as Perla Cetăţii Restaurant (built in XIX century), Hermann Oberth House (built in XX century) and La Chip Tower which it’s said was built in 1469 in memory of a pasha (riding an elephant) which was killed in the area (legend).