Samoan country is an archipelago from Oceania composed by nine main islands and many other smaller situated in the Pacific Ocean, at east of Tuvalu, at north of Tonga and at west of American Samoa.
2.831 km²
195.000 people
Apia 40.000 people
Samoan Tala
Languages spoken:
Samoan, English
Roman-Catholic, Protestant
Government form:
Time zone:
+13 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Islands, relief, climate, tourism, industries, population and agriculture from Samoa:
This country has two large islands, Sava’i and Upolu and also many smaller ones, whose relief is volcanic and the maximum elevation is in Silisili peak of 1.858 m height. The climate of this archipelago is tropical with monsoons presence in the rainy season that lasts between November and April and with a dry season with a lower rainfall between May and October. A large part of these islands is covered with tropical forests where the third part of the plants and more than three quarters from the animals are endemic, but however, unfortunately the deforestation and the soil erosion represent a big problem.
If the tourism brings the most part of the earnings is because is very well developed, the woodwork or fishing industries are not to be neglected. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) More than 90% of the population are Samoans and the rest are Euro Asians and they are working in agriculture cultivating coco trees, expensive and hardwood, taro, bananas, ules, coffee trees, sugar cane, vegetables, pineapple and many other tropical fruits. The country obtained the independence from New Zealand at 01 January 1962. Visit Samoa!
Exotic Samoan Lalomanu Beach on the Island of Upolu