Saint Kitts and Nevis
The two main islands from the Caribbean Sea are a part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago in Caribbean region and represent the smallest state in whole America as surface and also as population.
261 km²
43.000 people
Basseterre 16.000 people
East Caribbean dollar
Languages spoken:
English, Creole English
Anglican, Methodist
Government form:
Constitutional Monarchy
Time zone:
-4 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Climate, tropical forests, islands, population and the capital of the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis:
The islands of St. Kitts and Nevis were the first British colony from Caribbean region and they are separated through a 3 km long strait. Because of the tropical wet climate with its two seasons: the wet season from May to December and the dry season from December to May, the presence of the hurricanes and the tropical storms brought important material damages. A huge part of the tropical forests was deforested in St. Kitts and Nevis to make some place for the arable lands. Even though, the tropical forests still represent an important natural resource of the country and is home to many species of plants and animals. (Find more journeys on The capital, Basseterre situated on the biggest island of Saint Kitts is an important tourist port, because most of the cruise ships have stops here. The islands are inhabited by the African and European population, but the first inhabitants were the Caribbean Indians. They were discovered by Columbus in 1498 and obtained their independence over Great Britain in 19 September 1983. Visit the islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis!
Dream landscape from Saint Kitts and Nevis