Philippines is an insular country from Asia and is bordered by the Southern Chinese Sea in west, the Sulawesi Sea in south and the Pacific Ocean in east and north.
300.100 km²
92.500.000 people
Manila 12.000.000 people
Filipino Peso
Languages spoken:
Filipino or Tagalog and English
Islamism, Roman-Catholic
Government form:
Republic, Democracy
Time zone:
+8 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Relief from Philippines:
This country is an archipelago that compound more than 7.000 islands and is extended from north to south on a distance of several thousands of km. It is part of the region called the Pacific Ring of Fire due to the frequent earthquakes and the active volcanoes. The relief is generally mountainous with many volcanoes higher than 2.000 m with the highest point in the volcano Apo with its 2.954 m height.
Islands, fauna and flora from Philippines:
The largest and most populated islands are Luzon in north where the majority of the population is living and Mindanao in south. The climate in Philippines is tropical with the annual average of the temperature between 22 and 32º C and the rainfall is high with a media of more than 2.000 mm per year. A third of the country’s surface is covered with tropical forests that have more than 10.000 species of plants among the most important are the palm trees and the bamboos. The forests are home for hundreds of species of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.
Agriculture, population, economy, resources and other aspects:
The main activity for the Filipinos is the agriculture because almost a half of the territory is good for cultures. They cultivate mainly rice and corn, but also sugar cane, banana, coffee trees, cacao trees, sisal, tobacco and copra. Fishing is the 2nd activity for the Filipinos with tons of fish extracted annually. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) Unfortunately Philippines is a country intensely affected by earthquakes (the most violent was in 1990 when thousands of people died and tens of thousands others remained without their houses) and by volcanic activity, the best known volcano, Pinatubo, devastated a part of the Luzon Island in 1991. Besides these natural calamities the locals are also affected by floods, landslides and by the typhoons and tropical storms that appear in the wet season. Today the Filipino economy is restoring and going on increasing based upon tourism, agriculture, fishing industry and on the resources of gold, platinum, iron, chrome, manganese, copper, zinc, mercury and coal. After a long period of Spanish dominance, the country obtained its independence at 12 June 1898. Visit Philippines!
Fishing boat at Palawan Island, Philippines