This state from Oceania is an insular country in the Pacific Ocean composed by 260 islands grouped in 16 states spread on a 100 km distance and the closest neighbors are Philippines in west, Indonesia in south and the Federated States of Micronesia in east.
459 km²
22.000 people
Melekeok (the new capital) 500 people, Koror (the old capital) 11.000 people
U.S. Dollar
Languages spoken:
English, Palauan
Roman-Catholic, Modekngei
Government form:
Republic, Democracy
Time zone:
+9 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Islands, population, relief, climate, tourism, resources and economy from Palau:
The largest islands that compound the state of Palau are: Babelthuap (the main island with the largest population – over 70%), Koror, Peleliu, Angaur, Sonsorol, Pulo Anna and Merir. Most of these islands are composed by coral atolls and they are surrounded by coral reefs or these are nearby. The elevation is low and the islands, except the capital and other small villages, are covered almost totally with a luxuriant tropical vegetation. The perfect climate with an annual media of the temperature of 28º C, the amazing landscape, the coral reefs and the wonderful beaches are a real tourist heaven, that attract dozens of thousands of tourists annually and the tourism is the main industry. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The standard of living for the locals from The insular country is high comparative with the other states from Oceania and the resources of gold, forests, fish and seafood bring important earnings. The inhabitants work in agriculture for their own living and the country obtained the independence from U.S. at 01 October 1994. Visit Palau!
Interesting Rock Islands from Palau