Nauru is the world’s smallest republic, an insular country from Oceania in the Pacific Ocean west of Kiribati, north of Solomon Islands and north-east of Papua New Guinea.
21 km²
12.000 people
Yaren 1.300 people
Australian Dollar
Languages spoken:
English, Nauruan
Roman-Catholic, Protestant
Government form:
Republic, Democracy
Time zone:
+12 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
Relief, climate, economy, agriculture and population of Nauru:
This country is an oval tropical island whose low elevation relief is surrounded by a coral reef. The hot tropical climate with medium temperatures between 25 and 35º C and the white fine sandy beaches attracted the most tourists. The country ’s economy is based upon the only subsoil reserves that are the phosphates, but unfortunately these were almost drawn, so the tourism became the main source of earnings for this little country. The agriculture is practiced by all the inhabitants of the island because the lands are fertile and can be cultivated with coco trees, bananas, pineapple, vegetables and other tropical fruits. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) Most of the population is composed by Europeans, Chinese and other ethnic groups from other states from Oceania. Unfortunately the standard of living is low and many persons have to go in other places to work for a better life. The country obtained the independence at 31 January 1968. Visit Nauru!
Panorama of Nauru airport