Myanmar or Burma
Myanmar or Burma is a country situated in South-East Asia with a coast to the Bengal Gulf and the Andaman Sea to the west and borders with Thailand, Laos and China in east, and India and Bangladesh in north-west.
676.577 km²
60.500.000 people
Yangon 4.500.000 people
Languages spoken:
Government form:
Republic, Dictatorship
Time zone:
+6.30 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Myanmar or Burma
Relief and climate from Myanmar (Burma):
Myanmar or Burma is a country with a mountainous relief with mountains in west, north and east with the maximum elevation in the peak Hkakado Razi at 5.881 m height which is also the highest peak in whole south-eastern Asia. The plains and the fertile areas are extended in the center and southern parts of the country where the agriculture is intense practiced where locals cultivate rice, corn, sugar cane and other vegetables and fruits. The climate in Myanmar is tropical with the monsoons presence in the rainy season.
Rivers, economy, fauna and flora, resources and population:
The main rivers Irrawaddy and Chindwin, cross the country from north to south. Burma’s economy is based very much upon the precious hardwoods like the teck and also on the conifer woods. Due to the fact that more than a half of the territory is covered with forests, the fauna and flora are rich in species and we mention here also the endangered species like the red panda, the rhino and the tiger and others. (Find more journeys on There are very important resources of gold, silver, copper, plumb and gems. The majority of the population is Burmese in origins and have the Buddhist religion and the most important minorities are Shan, Karen, Kachin, Mon and Chin. Myanmar obtained the independence from Great Britain at 04 January 1948. It is one of the lowest developed countries in Asia and less known for tourism. Visit Myanmar (Burma)!
Bagan temples in Myanmar or Burma