This is the 3rd country as surface from Central America and is situated in its central part. It has the Gulf with the same name and the Caribbean Sea in north, the Pacific Ocean through the Gulf of Fonseca in south and as neighbors are Guatemala in west and El Salvador and Nicaragua in south and south-eastern part.
112.400 km²
8.250.000 people
Tegucigalpa 1.325.000 people
Languages spoken:
Government form:
Republic, Democracy
Time zone:
-6 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Relief, cities, resources, agriculture and name:
Ones of the most important cities of Honduras are ports to the Caribbean Sea, but the capital Tegucigalpa is situated in the central-south part of the country in a mountainous area. The relief is mostly composed by mountains like in almost all the other Central American countries. Here the soil is volcanic but on the coast side there is a low and fertile soil, the only one in the whole country. The forests cover a huge part of the territory with tropical forests but also oak and pine forests present here . The local people are great producers of rum, vegetal oil, cement and paper, but also silver, zinc, plumb and gold, resources extracted from the mountains. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) As about the agriculture, an important activity in this country, the locals cultivate banana, coffee trees and different exotic fruits. In 1821, the Honduran state obtained its independence from Spain. The name of the country came from Columbus who exclaimed when he got on these territories: Gracias a Dios que hemos salido de esas Honduras, meaning Thank God we have come out of those depths. Visit Honduras!
Tropical beach in Honduras