Get a job and travel
Dear friends, travelers and readers of worldlifetimejourneys, in this article and a future one, we will try to cover two important facts about jobs and travelling together. How can these two be combined? Did you ever considered to get a job and travel? Did you ever thought what this means and involves? Well, you can combine a job with travelling and it has never been easier than in our days. You can get a job and then go in many journeys because your job requires you to do this. On the other hand, you can travel abroad and get a job at the destination. Today we will help you understand what kind of jobs to get if you really want to travel while working. And believe us, there are so many. Some you didn’t even think about or you never heard of.
Get a job and travel – introduction:
It’s been never easier than now to get a job and travel. On the other hand, unfortunately many companies are looking for experienced people for their positions. Which in general is normal and acceptable. But what if you don’t have any experience but you really want to get that job? You like a lot traveling. Who does not? That’s why we are here. You can get a good job that involves a lot of journeys in your country. But many of them go behind your country. You can travel within your continent or even far far away.
All you need is ambition, courage, some money at the beginning, patience and a lot of passion for travelling and these kind of jobs. On the other hand, if you do not have any experience, you can still get a travelling job. How? Be volunteer to a company that has these jobs, do some courses, study a lot and qualify, obtain certificates/diplomas when you finish your courses/studies and prove them you are the best candidate. You have to start from somewhere, so why not considering these options? Well, we wish you to be successful in any application you might have.
Get a job and travel – what types of travel jobs can you get:
There are in total more than 40 jobs that involve travelling. To get a job and travel is not that difficult. We will try to present you the most important travel jobs and some ways you can obtain money from travelling. What types of jobs can you get so that you will travel? (Find more journeys on You can be simply an English teacher, a writer that works for its own or for a company or a person working in social media. Also a good option can be to work in hospitality sent by your company to work in another hotel from the same group but in a different place or country. You can be a Travel Guide working on your own or as part of a company (this is one of the easiest jobs for travelers), you can work as translator or to work on a cruise ship.
Also you can choose to be a flight attendant, an instructor, a person working in a circus, working for festivals. On the other hand you can work for an international company. You can be a blogger, a street performer or vendor, a musician, a photographer, a travel writer or to work in au pair. Other jobs that require travel are: computer programmer, marketer, web designer, consultant, pilot, tour organizer, online poker player or salesperson. You can also work seasonal and find holiday jobs or to be a volunteer. For the last one please read about Volunteering in Tourism or Voluntourism. Whatever you choose or you like to do, there are plenty of activities. Just get a job and travel.
Get a job and travel – tour guide/leader, cruise ship crew, English teacher or instructor:
To be a tour guide, a tour leader or a tour organizer involves a lot of hard work. But you will be rewarded with good money and the possibility to travel all the time. You can be a local, national or international tour guide and leader. This involves going with tourists in different trips and you need courage, patience, leadership skills and high travel knowledge/experience. You must have a passion for storytelling, good English/national language and knowledge of other languages will be an advantage. To be a travel guide means you must have a high knowledge of the places you present. Also, first aid training and the will to help in emergency situations is also an advantage. In fact you don’t just show and recommend places, but you also take care of your group of tourists.
Working on a cruise ship as part of the crew is very rewarding. You can get good money and travel experience, but the time spent working sometimes has a high volume. You get usually accommodation, insurance, food as benefits included. But because you work many hours and you don’t have where to spend, it’s a good way to save money. And you have your days off to enjoy exotic places where the boat has stops at. You can be anything from waiter to bartender, from housekeeper to receptionist, from beauty therapist to entertainer. As a massage therapist on a cruise ship you can often make more than $ 2000 a month. Also a beauty therapist is quite similar and you need experience in a beauty salon and some qualifications. But there are plenty of jobs to choose from while on a cruise ship.
To be an English teacher and to teach English abroad is the easiest job you can get while travelling. If you are fluent in English with teaching skills and you love to travel then this is the job for you. But to profess in this you will need to be a qualified teacher for foreign languages (TEFL) and to have a college degree. On the other hand you will meet new people, see new cultures and flights or accommodation are normally included. The contract will be between few months to one year usually.
To work as an instructor involves many types and be prepared as you can travel a lot. There are many companies around the world looking for qualified instructors. The most popular ones are either ski, scuba or fitness instructors. The last ones can include personal trainer, Pilates, Zumba, Yoga or even dancing. Scuba diving or ski instructors are very popular. But you have good chances to get a job and travel even if you teach rock climbing, kayaking, sailing, surfing or any kind of sport. To teach any of these it can’t be difficult if you are qualified and you have experience. You can make good money out of it while travelling.
Get a job and travel – flight attendant/pilot, photographer, translator or consultant:
Working as a flight attendant or pilot sounds very adventurous. You get very good money out of it sometimes even $3000-4000 per month (more for a pilot), but there are long hours involved and sometimes can be really stressful. Far from a normal personal and family life, this job is not for everyone. But you have free or discounted flights, free or cheap accommodation and rent and you get also discounts to many other places and hotels. On the other hand you must be able to swim without any help for 25 m, to speak English fluently and to have good customer service skills.
To become a photographer is easy, but to be a professional travel photographer can often be difficult without experience. You need to be qualified meaning you have done some photography courses at least. These can take some time up to few years, but the important side is to have a good eye and talent. You must also have a real passion for travel and photography. But you can make good money by selling your professional photos from around the world to different companies interested in your work. Also you can earn by teaching people how to improve or to get good photography skills.
To be a translator doesn’t mean that you will only work all the time in the same place. It involves sometimes a lot of traveling. You need a degree in languages and to have knowledge of law, sport, politics, economics or science. The most important part of this job is to know a minimum of two languages from which one will be foreign. As many as you know, the better the chances to find a job as a translator. You can help translating for sport teams, for different official speeches, you can translate different types of texts or websites. Or you can help tour companies with translation for groups of tourists. Also, translating in political or business meetings, in international and multicultural companies is not a secret.
A professional consultant involves diverse jobs. In general as a consultant you can work from almost everywhere in the world while travelling. You need a laptop, a mobile phone, good skills in the type of consultancy you want to give and yes, a passion for what you are doing. You can give training for the staff in different companies or you can help companies grow their businesses online through social media and other ways.
Get a job and travel – Volunteer, festival or circus worker, salesperson, travel writer or online poker player:
About Volunteering we wrote in an earlier article. But you do get some money, usually free accommodation and food and you get the chance to travel. Yes, you will travel a lot while helping people and different organizations around the world. You will see new cultures, meet new people while working full-time as a volunteer. Even if you don’t get too much money, you will gain different skills, experience and a new life style.
Two good options for travelling while earning money is to work either for a Circus or at festivals. Working in a Circus always involves travelling from one city to another in national or often international circuits. The bigger and famous is the Circus, the bigger will be the circuit and more cities and countries will include. To take part in a festival doesn’t mean only to watch and have fun, but many groups are full time working like this. You can have fun while working and be part of a group that is always present at the most important festivals around the world. You’ll be a street performer, a musician or roadie (these are often known as busking), a food vendor or a staff working to install stages, stalls or even to organize different events and shows.
You will probably think that a salesperson is only working locally. Not at all. You can travel a lot if you have a business and if you are a good salesperson. You need very good selling and negotiation skills, attention to details and a positive attitude. (Find more journeys on It doesn’t matter if you work for your own company or you are selling for the company you work, as long as you have experience and you are good in what you’re doing, you will always travel at least in your region to sell your company’s goods. But bigger companies will send you everywhere in the world and you will have some time to explore the new places. You might need a diploma and the bad point is that the job is mostly based in commission.
There are so many people working as travel writers and they really have a passion for writing about beautiful places. Writing on your own for a blog or website, or writing for a travel magazine or professional travel website can get you good money. Also part of this is to write for travel guidebooks companies. But to be good in this you need good writing skills and experience in travel. Even if in many cases this type of job is not permanent, you can write for money for the companies that are looking for freelance travel writers to help with their businesses.
For many of us to make money and to travel as an online or table poker player can seem difficult. But once you get enough experience, you have the necessary courage and poker skills, you can get very good money by playing poker and you also travel. You can participate in competitions around the world. But you need to be mentally strong, to have attention to details, to be able to focus in really difficult moments and to keep your concentration at high levels. You need to be good in maths and numbers and also to keep your feelings/emotions in place.
Get a job and travel – Hospitality worker, web designer, street vendor or au pair:
If you choose to be a Hospitality worker means you will most probably work in a hotel. But in many cases this can involve travelling. You can choose temporary jobs working from few months to one or two years in one place, Then why not travelling in another city or country to get a new experience there? On the other hand, many big companies or international hotel chains will send you to another hotel from their group either nationally or internationally for different purposes or for a permanent transfer. You can be sent for a training, for practice or to help the staff in a new hotel. If you are a really good waiter, receptionist or more often bartender, you get good chances to travel a lot. Bartenders for example, but hospitality jobs in general are always good jobs to look for in any destination around the world.
To be a web designer it’s not that easy and the majority of us will look confused when trying to understand how a website is created. But for those with experience, to create and design websites can prove to be a perfect job. You are highly paid and you get the chance to travel even if today you can do this job from home. Many companies are looking for people who have knowledge of web design programs, software and hardware and online tools. You must also have at least basic knowledge for HTML, CSS or PHP.
Everywhere you go as a tourist you will see street vendors trying to sell their goods. At popular tourists attractions and objectives you will always see people selling souvenirs, different artifacts, hand-made objects, national costumes, leather, wood and other material goods and crafts or even local food, drinks and more popular jewelry. You don’t need experience for this. You need ambition, some money invested, patience, a lot of time and the passion to travel. Just because you will be in popular tourist places from one season to another.
Au Pair or Nanny jobs are not a secret anymore for many of us. And yes, you get to travel with this. It involves staying and living with a family in a foreign country. Here you will take care of the house needs including cleaning, cooking and other activities besides taking care of the family children and teaching them English or another language. But you make money out of it and you don’t spend on accommodation, food and other house expenses. All you need to have is a positive attitude, love for kids and preferably some experience in childcare.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learn something new. If you love travelling and you want to earn money out of this lifestyle then why not considering a job like the ones presented above? Just get a job and travel!
Tips & Tricks
Get a job and travel
Mix the fun with the work you do
Search online for endless opportunities you never heard or thought of
Find the type of job you dream of and travel as you work
Spend some time researching what type of jobs you can do also involve travelling
Qualify before applying for jobs that require any qualifications
Obtain a degree in the type of job you want to do. It will help you a lot
Try to learn as many foreign languages you can and the world will be yours
Choose to travel and work in the same time. Fun is guaranteed
Use your skills and knowledge in the field you are professing. Quite often you will find jobs where you can also travel frequently
Don’t forget. If you are good in your job and
there is a possibility for travelling, why not going for it?
Apply for as many travel jobs as you wish and your chances of employment will increase
No experience? Not to worry because many jobs don’t require any experience
Don’t loose the opportunity to travel and earn money
If you really want a job but you do not have experience, try volunteering or going for a course
You don’t have anything to loose.
All travel jobs are not that hard to get but they guarantee fun and money