This is the smallest country in Central America, which has only two neighbors: Guatemala and Honduras to the north side and a beautiful coast at the Pacific Ocean in south.
21.000 km²
6.130.000 people
San Salvador 2.400.000 people
American dollar
Languages spoken:
Government form:
Republic, Democracy
Time zone:
-6 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

El Salvador
Relief, rivers, agriculture and Salvadorian population:
El Salvador has a very diverse relief dominated by the presence of over 20 volcanoes, but also by the lowlands and by wide and deep valleys. It has over 280 rivers, most of them falling into the ocean. The massive deforestation changed the landscape of the country and today the territories with forests are very few. The past inhabitants of these lands, the indigenous people established here thousands of years ago for the fertile volcanic soils and today the local people work in agriculture and cultivate pineapple, avocado, mango and papaya. The majority of population is a combination between Europeans and indigenous people. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) Very different and not to forget is the fact that here in this small but also very beautiful country, the lands are owned by a small number of persons and because of this, a civil war started and lasted for 13 years till 1991. The Salvadorians are also great producers of confections, exotic fruits, coffee and sugar cane. Visit El Salvador!
Ancient Mayan ruins at Joya de Ceren, El Salvador