Dominican Republic
Dominican Republic from Caribbean region occupies the eastern part of the Hispaniola island situated in the northern Caribbean Sea and has as neighbor to the west the state of Haiti.
48.400 km²
9.450.000 people
Santo Domingo 2.907.000 people
Dominican peso
Languages spoken:
Government form:
Republic, Partial Democracy
Time zone:
-4.5 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:
+1-809 +1-829 or +1-849

Dominican Republic
Relief, economy, agriculture, resources and about Columbus discovery of Dominican Republic:
This country is on the 2nd place in the Caribbean region as surface and also as population. It has a mountainous relief like its neighbor Haiti, but it has many more fertile plains between the valleys and on the coast. When Columbus discovered it, was the most beautiful land in the New World and called it The Little Spain. It’s part of the Greater Antilles archipelago and the highest peak is Pico Duarte with its 3.175 m height. This exotic island has the most powerful economy from the Caribbean countries, comparative with its poor neighbor Haiti. Here are cultivated tobacco, sugar cane and cocoa. The important resources of nickel and gold are also capitalized. The locals are involved in production of clothes, shoes, electronics and more. (Find more journeys on Columbus discovered the country, but his brother Bartolomeo founded the first European city in Caribbean region, Santo Domingo in 1496. The country obtained its independence in 1821. Visit Dominican Republic!
Fantastic beach from Dominican Republic