Decide well the moment and
destination of your journey
Decide well the moment and destination of your journey – introduction:
Did you ever think how important is to decide well the moment and destination of your journey (when exactly to do it)? Maybe not, but those who know and love trips, here we speak about people who travel in a foreign city or country at least 4-5 times a year, they know how important is this thing. Everything starts from planning the journey. For those who have a lower budget, (see the article with Traveling on a low budget) and not only, first of all we recommend to realize if they really know their own city and country.
Imagine for at least few minutes that you’ll be visited by a group of friends or people you know, even your family who live thousands of kilometers away from you, who, even if they know the city, would like to see more from their own country. Could you be their guide without any problem? Would you be able to easily present the most important attractions and tourist objectives of your city or of your country? Maybe for many people this is hard, but that’s why before going hundreds and thousands of kilometers away, is good to know your city and your country. In this way for the beginning you will save enough money and gain experience in trips, journeys, means of transport and how to manage your budget. And here we talk about how to decide well the moment and destination of your journey.
Decide well the moment and destination of your journey – choose the right moment and accommodation and save money:
Going back to planning your journey, that moment when you search the destination and then for transport, accommodation, food, tourist objectives and others. Well, it’s very important the moment of your journey. If the time and your job are ok for a holiday in extra season, then you have big chances to find a good offer either you book and plan your journey with a specialized tourism agency or on your own. It’s important to know that during the school holidays, especially summer holiday, winter holiday or during the national holidays and Christmas or Easter, prices for transport, accommodation, meals or attractions are the highest. (Find more journeys on So, your flexibility in choosing the journey is very important and you can save lots of money. Try as much as you can to avoid these peak periods when most tourists are struggling to make their journey and decide well the moment. You will have both financial satisfaction and also personally you will enjoy more your stay when the number of tourists will be lower.
Regarding the accommodation at your destination, on a minimum of 7 days stay in a foreign location, there is a possibility which many times could be the cheapest one. It’s about buying from the tourism agencies a package which includes transport (usually plane or coach), accommodation for 6-7 nights or more depending the package and period you choose and some can include even the daily meals, some only the breakfast while others also the lunch and dinner. To have a good chance to get a low price on these packages, the secret is to decide well when is the moment and leave everything on the last minute when the prices will go very low because the tourism agencies want to occupy their places doesn’t matter how low will be the price.
Decide well the moment and destination of your journey – choose the right destination, the right time and weather and save money:
There are a lot of destinations which seem so far to reach, dream, exotic destinations, old historical cities and populated by tourists, very popular places, parks and national reservations which seem to be hard to touch even if they offer wonderful views, but many people think that lots of these seem to be far, but is not always like that. Many times could happen that you pay much more for the plane ticket to destination and back home than all expenses including accommodation, daily meals, attractions, trips at the destination and other things. Countries like China, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and many others from Asia, most of the African countries and also some countries from South America are cheaper than you thought. Just decide well and choose the right destination for your journey.
Why? Because if you search in advance in what places to go, what and where to eat and what will be your means of transport, then you’ll see that you invest less money. This kind of destinations are more accessible for those with a medium budget or even lower (after few months of saving) because once you get there, the prices are adapted to locals and where the medium salary is less than what you have, the invested money will be even less than spending at home.
The time of choosing your journey is an important key of it and of the budget invested. There are two ways which will give you big discounts and minimum expenses. The best is to plan your trip at least 2-3 months in advance and once you planned on the paper or computer, start to buy the tickets, accommodation, tickets for museums and other attractions or buy the whole package from a tourism agency (many agencies offer big discounts like early bird for those who buy few months in advance). (Find more journeys on Do not hesitate because the prices will increase day by day. On the other side, another cheap option, but risky because you risk to miss all places on transport and accommodation, is the one presented above when you can leave everything on the last minute, on the last days or even the last day when the prices will decrease considerable. If you don’t have in your plan a certain destination, then your flexibility will bear fruit, because you can choose what remains.
The weather at your destination, the period when you want to travel can be very important for a successful holiday. First of all, although summer is the best, warmest and the season when we want to go in holiday, try to avoid this season because in this period will be other thousands or tens of thousands of noisy tourists. If possible, for a successful holiday and beautiful weather (with some luck without rain and with sunny days) choose to go either in spring (April-May), or either in autumn (September-October).
Usually, in these months the weather is beautiful for many days even if some will be rainy days. This doesn’t have to scare you because there are a lot of activities also inside, far from the outside weather. This is available also during winter. If it’s not about winter sports and you want to visit attractions, to take a walk or even to enjoy some sun, then winter can be a very good season to travel where most of the tourists go during summer. Also, in a low season the prices for accommodation, transport, meals and others are the lowest. Try to be informed about the weather or at least how is the weather generally in that period at your chosen destination.
Decide well the moment and destination of your journey – be flexible when decide the moment and destination of your journey and save money:
Beside the moment of your journey, also very important is the destination of your journey, which can give you big satisfactions. Try to be more flexible because you can save a lot of money. The flexibility in choosing the moment and your destination is when you don’t want to go in a specific place and in a moment from the peak season. Before taking a decision regarding your holiday, we recommend to write down few months before, at least 4-5 destinations and 3-4 periods when to go.
For example let’s say you want to go in Germany, maybe in autumn. For this, search 4-5 cities to see in which of these the transport either plane, train or coach is cheaper. You don’t have to travel only to Munich or Berlin, big and important cities of Germany. It can happen that the transport to Frankfurt or Koln for example to be cheaper, then from here with a rented car or by means of transport you can travel through all Germany if you have enough time.
On the other side we said that the moment of traveling would be somewhere in autumn. If the holiday time is 2 weeks for example, try to find from those 3-4 periods of 2 weeks each, the one in which the accommodation, transport and attractions are cheaper. (Find more journeys on Don’t be limited to September for example, just because is warmer and the chances of rain are more reduced. Check carefully the prices for October as well, which can be many times a really good period to travel or even those from November. Also is proven that the transport, especially the plane is much cheaper during week time (Monday-Thursday) than in weekend.
Decide well the moment and destination of your journey – conclusion:
So, as a conclusion we discovered that choosing carefully the right moment and destination for your holiday is really important and can give you big financial satisfactions. Try to go in the off tourist season, the less crowded and preferably during week days. Choose the cheapest destinations even if you have to take the bus, train or car to the desired location (even like this can be cheaper) and not the last don’t forget to buy your tickets in time, few months in advance or you can risk to leave everything for the last moment and get again a good price. Whatever you choose we wish you a very pleasant and safe holiday. Decide well the moment and destination of your journey!
Tips & Tricks
Gain experience in trips, means of transport, maps and managing your budget by organizing
these with your friends or family
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Don’t forget that off season is the best time to go in a journey
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Be flexible and save lots of money
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Many countries are so cheap as holiday destinations: you could be paying more for the plane ticket
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East Europe, most part of Asia, Africa or South America are cheaper holiday destinations than you thought
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The most important money saver is the time. Plan even few months in advance and you’ll achieve
best results and lots of money saved
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If you found a good price don’t waste the time. Go for it and don’t loose it
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Time is always important. Try to go during week time and to avoid the peak season
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Also, be flexible with your times. If summer is nice and warm, but also crowdy, why not going
during autumn or spring? Think twice
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Avoid school holidays, national holidays, Christmas or Easter periods because there are peak tourist periods
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Choose instead to go out of these periods during the low season
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If you plan to stay somewhere minimum a week, try buying a package from a tourism agency
as it could be the best option
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Remember: Many times a package can include transport and also daily meals at a unique price
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To get the lowest possible price you have two options: either buy your package very early like few months in advance or leave it until the last days before your departure (last minute deals)
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Remember: Weather is nice and warm in some parts from the off season as well
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Check before you go somewhere, what temperatures and weather could be in that month when you travel
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Before buying your package or tickets, try to put on paper 4-5 destinations in 3-4 different periods of time
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It could be much cheaper to go in another city or country than the one you wanted. Be flexible