Cluj County
Cluj County is situated in Transylvania region from Romania, in the central-west part of the country and its neighbors are the following counties: Bihor in west, Sălaj and Maramureş in north, Bistriţa-Năsăud and Mureş in east and Alba in south.
6.674 km²
659.000 people
Capital (Residence):
Cluj Napoca City 308.000 people
Calling code:
+4 0264 or 0364
Cluj-Napoca, Câmpia Turzii, Dej, Gherla, Turda
Main roads:
A3 Gilău-Câmpia Turzii
E60(DN1) Oradea-Huedin-Cluj Napoca-Turda-Câmpia Turzii-Târgu Mureş
E576(DN1c) Cluj Napoca-Gherla-Dej
E58(DN1c) Baia Mare-Dej
E81(DN1f) Zalău-Cluj Napoca-Alba Iulia
DN1g Huedin-Jibou
DN16 Cluj Napoca-Sărmaş-Reghin

Cluj County
Relief, climate, rivers and lakes of Cluj County:
Cluj County has a diverse relief with the Apuseni Mountains (Vladeasa, Gilau, Muntele Mare (High Mount) and Trascau Mountains) covering the central-west and south parts of the county and the other part is covered by the Somesan Plateau and the Transylvania Plain (Transylvania Plateau). The maximum altitude is in Vladeasa peak of 1.836 m height. Cluj County‘s climate is temperate-continental of transition with some influences coming from the Atlantic Ocean. Despite the high elevation, summers might be warm and winters milder, due to the warm air coming from the west. The annual average of the temperature is 8-10° C and the rainfall is between 600 and 1.000 mm per year. The main rivers are Somesul Mic (Little), Aries and Crisul Repede (Fast) Rivers with their basins and tributaries and the largest and most important lakes are Dragan, Gilau, Tarnita and Fantanele Lakes as reservoir lakes.
Fauna, flora and tourist attractions and objectives:
Regarding the flora, as in many other areas of the country, the deciduous and conifer forests are mixed and the fauna is specific to the mountain and plateau areas. Unfortunately you can rarely see brown bears and wolves, but there are numerous species of animals like wild boars, foxes, harts, deer and many others. (Find more journeys on The most important tourist attractions from Cluj County are Cluj-Napoca City with its museums, botanical garden, historic center, Lady Mary’s Assumption Cathedral and the Saint Mihai (Michael) Church, Apuseni Mountains National Park, Bologa Citadel, Banffy Castle, Rachitele Waterfall, Draganului Valley, Nicula Monastery, Belis-Fântânele area, Turzii Keys Natural Reservation, Turda Salt Mine and many others. Visit Cluj County!
The main hall of the new salt mine from Turda, Cluj County
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