Get a job and travel Dear friends, travelers and readers of worldlifetimejourneys, in this article and a future one, we will try to cover two important facts about jobs and travelling together. How can these two be combined? Did…
Have the world at your fingertips today, due to the fast evolution of technology
The world at your fingertips Did you ever heard someone saying that you have the world at your fingertips? Did you ever thought what that would mean? Well, we will explain you in this article how things are going today…

Did you think about travelling off season? It’s time to think now
Travelling off season Travelling off season – introduction: Did you ever think how is to travel only in off season? How would it be if all our holidays will be made in off season when all tourists are going…
How to decide well the moment and destination of your journey
Decide well the moment and destination of your journey Decide well the moment and destination of your journey – introduction: Did you ever think how important is to decide well the moment and destination of your journey (when exactly to do it)?…
Travelling on a low budget? Find more in this article
Travelling on a low budget Who doesn’t want to go on holiday with just less money? Who doesn’t want to see wonderful places and spend nights and days of fun travelling on a low budget? Well, this thing is not…
Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism is a good opportunity to travel
Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism Voluntourism or Volunteer Tourism – history and who, why and how is it: Volunteer tourism or Voluntourism is similar with volunteer journeys or holidays and it means to go in another city or area or in another…
Have you thought how is travelling by train with less money?
Travelling by train Travelling by train – introduction and history: The train is one of the biggest and most important inventions that man ever created. It’s an indispensable form of transportation for many people who travel daily to work or…