Caras Severin County
Caraş Severin County is situated in Banat region from Romania, in the south-west part of the country and its neighbors are the following counties: Timiş in west and north-west, Hunedoara in north-east, Gorj and Mehedinţi in east and in south is Serbia.
8.514 km²
274.000 people
Capital (Residence):
Resita City 64.000 people
Calling code:
+4 0255 or 0355
Reşiţa, Caransebeş
Anina, Băile Herculane, Bocşa, Moldova Nouă, Oraviţa, Oţelu Roşu
Main roads:
E70(DN6) Timişoara-Lugoj-Caransebeş-Orşova
DN68 Haţeg-Oţelu Roşu-Caransebeş
DN58 Caransebeş-Reşiţa-Anina
DN58b Reşiţa-Voiteg
DN57 Oraviţa-Moraviţa
DN58a Lugoj-Reşiţa

Caras Severin County
Relief, climate, rivers and lakes in Caras Severin County:
Caras Severin County has a predominantly mountainous relief with a small part from Banat Plain in West. Poiana Rusca, Locvei, Almajului, Cernei, Godeanu, Tarcului, Dognecei, Aninei and Semenic Mountains are the groups of mountains which cover the county and the maximum height is in Godeanu peak of 2.229 m height. The climate in Caras Severin County is continental-moderate with Sub Mediterranean influences. Both temperature and rainfall vary greatly depending on elevation and the annual average of the temperature is 7-8° C and the rainfall between 700 and 1.400 mm per year. Summers are cool and winters cold especially in the higher areas where are huge amounts of snow during winter. The most important rivers are the Danube River that enters the country near Baziaş City and Cerna, Nera, Timiş and Caraş Rivers. The biggest and the most important lakes are Poiana Mărului, Scorilo and Poiana Ruscă Lakes.
Fauna, flora and tourist attractions and objectives:
Forests of beech, oak, holm, maple, elm, ash and also spruce, fir and pine are spread all over on county’s territory. The fauna is specific to the mountain area with wolves, lynxes, foxes, wild boars and brown bears among the main animals from here. (Find more journeys on The most important tourist attractions are the Museum of locomotives from Resita, Nerei Keys Beusnita National Park, Caras Keys-Semenic National Park, Portile de Fier (Iron Gates) National Park, Danube Gorge, the treatment and relaxation resorts from Băile (Baths) Herculane, Semenic, Trei Ape (Three Waters) and Crivaia, Mehadia, Carasova and Cuiesti Citadels (the first two are ruins), Cerna Valley, Comarnic and Popovat Caves and many others. Visit Caras Severin County!
Nerei Keys Beunsita National Park, Caras Severin County
Caras Severin County
Timis County
Arad County
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Salaj County
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Gorj County
Mehedinti County
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