Welcome to Buila Vanturarita National Park
On Valcea County’s territory.
Park administration, Horezu City, Pietei Street., Nr. 7
41.86 km²
Ramnicu Valcea, county’s capital is situated only 30 km away. The nearest city is Baile Olanesti, but the park administration is in Horezu City.
Foundation year:
+40 250 860 157
When to go:
May – October, but we recommend to go in summer months when the weather is perfect for hiking and exploring the area.
How to get here:
By car:
There are many routes which you can choose to get here and to help you choose one depends on the type of your car, your allocated time or how many kilometers you want to walk.
The easiest access route is from the National road DN67 (Târgu Jiu- Râmnicu Vâlcea), but the important acces ways are through Bistriţa (Vâlcea County), Olăneşti, Bărbăteşti, Pietreni and Cheia (Vâlcea County).
We recommend as the most accessible route by car, the County road DJ 654. Once arrived in Râmnicu Vâlcea from any point of the country, you have to go towards north-west and follow the National road DN64a to Băile Olăneşti City. Before getting in Olăneşti follow the signposts to Valea Cheii – Cheia on the County Road DJ654.
Before you get in the national park, you will pass the beautiful Iezer and Pahomie Hermitages. We recommend if you have the possibility to come by a 4×4 car.
By means of transport:
You can get to Râmnicu Vâlcea City from any point of the country either by train (direct or with changes) or by bus. From here we recommend two ways: you can choose between a bus till Cheia (http://www.autogari.ro/Transport/
RamnicuValcea-CheiaVL), or a bus to Bistriţa-Costeşti (http://www.autogari.ro/Transport/
Monasteries, churches and hermitages from Buila Vanturarita
Buila Vanturarita National Park
Location and what to see and do in Buila Vanturarita National Park:
Buila Vanturarita National Park is less known by Romanian tourists and maybe completely unknown to foreign ones. On the other side between those who know it, not many know that is the smallest and latest national park from Romania and that is so rich in beautiful landscapes, mountain hiking trails and many tourist objectives and attractions especially religious. Here, tourists can perfectly combine hiking in the nature with visiting some churches, monasteries or heritages from this beautiful area. This national park is quite close to Valcea County’s capital and even closer to many villages. Even like this once you arrive here, you might have the impression that you are far from civilization. The nature welcomes you every time like the people who work in the hermitages from here.
Fauna and flora from Buila Vanturarita National Park:
Together with the other protected areas from Romania, Buila Vanturarita National Park is part of the protected areas Natura 2000. Buila Mountain is part of Capatanii Mountains and it has 1848.6 m and Vanturarita Mare Mountain has 1885 m and is the highest in this area. Even if it has a small area comparative to other national parks from Romania, the diversity of fauna and flora is large. Here tourists can see brown bears (Ursus arctos), wolves (Canis lupus), lynxes (Lynx), chamoises (Rupicapra rupicapra), bats, different species of amphibians, but also plants like Campanula alpina (mountain bell), Cypripedium calceolus (lady’s shoe), Leontompodium alpinum, Centaurea pinnatifida (mountain’s blue), Galanthus nivalis and many others. However, you don’t have to worry about the animals because they avoid people. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The coniferous forests composed by fir (Abies alba), mountain pine (Pinus sylvestris) or yew (Taxus baccata) and also the deciduous trees composed by beech (Fagus sylvatica), holm (Quercus petraea), oak (Quercus robur), birch (Betula pendula), tilia (Tilia europea) and other species, cover the biggest part of the national park.
The spectacular Buila Vanturarita National Park
Tourism and tourist objectives and attractions from Buila Vanturarita National Park:
The small Buila Vanturarita National Park doesn’t have only a rich flora and fauna, but also attracts a big number of tourists with its gorgeous and diverse landscapes. From narrow keys formed in limestone, steep slopes (over 100 climbing routes at different degrees of dificulty, some of them among the most difficult in Europe) or beautiful waterfalls until undiscovered caves, 19 mountain hiking trails (see details about all trails on other websites) or hidden heritages, tourists need to spend here several days to feel the real adventure, the fresh mountain air and to improve their body condition and health. Among the most important and best known caves from here are: Liliecilor Cave (Bats Cave), Lacul Verde Cave (Green Lake Cave), Cave from Comarnicelor Keys, Pagodelor Cave, Valea Bistrita Cave (Bistrita Valley Cave) or Clopot Cave.
The natural tourist objectives and attractions from Buila Vanturarita Natiional Park are the most spectacular, where agents like water or wind created real pearls. These seem to be everywhere here and tourists can enjoy all of these. But be careful because as beautiful they are, as dangerous as well and some areas are recommended only for the experienced people who have a special equipment. Bistritei, Olanesti and Costesti Keys, Dolines from Arnota Massif, the natural arcades from Patrunsa, the yew reservation from Cheia, the glades with snowdrops or orchids are only some of the natural objectives which are waiting for you.
Everywhere is wildness here in this small national park
On the other hand the anthropogenic tourist objectives and attractions from Buila Vanturarita National Park were created by human, many times where they meet the natural ones, so it gives a special view and a high degree of beauty. However, the anthropogenic objectives present here are religious and the monasteries, churches and hermitages call every tourist to peace and silence. Among these, some of the most beautiful and best known are Bistrita, Horezu, Arnota Monasteries, Ovidenia Church from Liliecilor Cave, Patrunsa Hermitage, Iezer Hermitage, 44 Izvoare (Springs) Hermitage, Pahomie Hermitage and many others which worth a visit.
So, here in Buila Vanturarita National Park, you will find a great combination of natural and anthropogenic tourist objectives and attractions which for sure will catch your interest for at least few days. But be careful where you go and where you step, because the land is bumpy and dangers can be everywhere if you are not careful. This is due to the various relief forms, but in the same time gorgeous. If you want to read more about this area and most of all about some of the religious objectives mentioned above, we invite you to read The monasteries, churches and hermitages from Buila Vanturarita article. Visit Buila Vanturarita National Park!
Buila Vanturarita National Park is full of hiking trails