Bistrita Nasaud County has glacial lakes and national parks

Welcome to
Bistrita Nasaud County

stema bistrita nasaud


This county  is situated in Transylvania region from Romania, in the north-central part of the country and its neighbors are the following counties: Maramures in north, Suceava in east, Mures in south and Cluj in west.


5.355 km²


278.000 people

Capital (Residence):

Bistrita City 77.000 people





Calling code:

+4 0263 or 0363




Beclean, Năsăud, Sângeorz-Băi

Main roads:

E58(DN17) Baia Mare-Dej-Beclean-Bistriţa-Vatra Dornei

E578(DN15) Bistriţa-Reghin

DN17d Beclean-Năsăud-Sângeorz Băi-DN18

DN17c Săcel-Năsăud-Bistriţa

Bistrita Nasaud Map

Bistrita Nasaud County


Relief, climate, rivers and lakes from Bistrita Nasaud County:

This county has a predominantly mountainous relief, covered by many mountain groups from the Eastern Carpathians starting with Tibles and Rodnei Mountains in north, Suhard and Bargaului Mountains in east and  Calimani Mountains in south-east. The central and west parts are covered by a part of the Transylvanian Plateau. The highest peak of the county is Ineu peak with its 2.279 m height. The climate is chill and even cold in winter due to the high elevation, but in the Transylvanian Plateau during summer the weather is warm with frequently temperatures over 25-30° C. The annual average of the temperature is 8-9° C and the rainfall is high especially in the mountain area. The main rivers are Somesul Mare (Big), Sieu and Bistrita Rivers, and the largest lakes are Lala Mare (Large) and Lala Mic (Small) (both are glacial lakes), Colibita and Zagra Lakes.

Fauna and flora, tourist objectives and attractions:

Fauna and flora are varied, with many species of mammals and birds specific to the mountain area and mostly conifer forests or mixed with deciduous ones. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) Among the main tourist objectives and attractions of Bistrita Nasaud County are Rodna and Calimani National Parks and few natural reserves (Tausoare, Ineu-Lala, Cetatele, Batrana Spring Natural Reserves), the muddy volcanoes from Monor, Arcalia Arboretum Park and many very beautiful straits and valleys. Visit Bistrita Nasaud County!

Rodnei Mountains National Park, Bistrita Nasaud CountyRodnei Mountains National Park, Bistrita Nasaud County

stema oras bistrita  Bistrita City

Bistrita Nasaud County has glacial lakes and national parks
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Bistrita Nasaud County has glacial lakes and national parks
Bistrita Nasaud County has some of the most beautiful mountain National Parks from Romania, unique glacial lakes, natural reservations and many more
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