Bermuda Islands
Bermuda is another name and is situated in the Caribbean region 900 km away of the U.S. coast in the Atlantic Ocean composed by coral islands and is part of Great Britain’s territory.
53 km²
65.000 people
Hamilton 5.800 people
Bermudian dollar
Languages spoken:
Anglican and Methodist
Government form:
Autonomic British territory
Time zone:
-4 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Bermuda Islands
Relief, islands, agriculture, name and climate:
These islands are made from volcanic relief with a coral layer over them and today they are the northernmost coral islands in the world. The archipelago is composed of 150 coral islands and its people are specialized in lilies cultures, which is the only type of agriculture present here. The landscape is covered with mangroves and different blossomy plants. Bermuda got their name after the Spanish explorer Juan Bermudez who discovered them in 1503. The climate is subtropical and wet. (Find more journeys on The islands are protected by Great Britain and Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, but from 1968 they obtained their autonomy. Unfortunately these islands are intensely hit by hurricanes and tropical storms, causing many troubles in time. Visit Bermuda Islands!
Beach at Horseshoe Bay, Bermuda Islands