Barbados is the easternmost island of the Caribbean region, situated to the east of Saint Vincent and Grenadines islands and to the north of Trinidad and Tobago, between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
430 km²
285.000 people
Bridgetown 97.000 people
Barbados dollar
Languages spoken:
Anglican, Pentecostal
Government form:
Parliamentary democracy
Time zone:
-4 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Relief, tourism, agriculture, climate and population from Barbados:
This island with a length of 34 km and a width of 23 km has a low altitude relief, but also has a downy area in north. Well known and visited by tourists, is only the Caribbean Sea coast for its fine and white sandy beaches, comparative with the Atlantic coast which is very rocky. The population is involved in tourism, services and agriculture, cultivating on the few fertile soils, sugar cane (more than 80% of the fertile territory is covered by cultures of sugar cane). The island is a part of the Lesser Antilles archipelago with a tropical climate with constant temperatures between 25 and 30º C.
First inhabitants of the island were the indigenous nomad people or the araucan Indians. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The actual population is formed by the black people called bajani, most of them living in the capital Bridgetown and its outskirts. British people founded a colony here in 1627, because for a long period of time the island was uninhabited. It obtained its independence from Great Britain in 30 November 1966. It is also called The Little England because of the buildings and historical vestiges built by the British long ago. Visit Barbados!
Amazing beach and landscape