This is a country situated in South Asia surrounded by India from three sides, but with a small border with Burma or Myanmar in the south-east. In the south has a coast to the Bengal Gulf.
147.570 km²
150.000.000 people
Dhaka 12.780.000 people
Languages spoken:
Hinduism, Islamism
Government form:
Republic, Partial Democracy
Time zone:
+6 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Relief, rivers and climate in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh, known in the past as the Western Pakistan is a country with a low elevation relief formed by the basins of the main Sub Indian continent’s rivers, Ganges and Brahmaputra. Due to these rivers and their tributaries, a great part of the country’s surface is flooded many times per year. The two rivers unify to the west of the capital Dhaka and together compose one of the most beautiful and largest delta in the world, finally flowing into the Bengal Gulf. Unfortunately the climate and the huge rainfall of more than 4.000 mm annually brings floods and many material damages, many harvests destroyed and many deaths. On the coast the things are also going bad because of the monsoon season which brings powerful winds of more than 200 km per hour called cyclones or tropical storms that can produce huge waves like tsunami.
Agriculture, population, cities, fauna and flora:
However, country’s territory is very fertile, the most part of the population working in agriculture. They cultivate jute (world’s leader), sugarcane, different types of tea, rice, lentil and other vegetables and fruits. The population is mostly Bengalese and lives in the rural area and also in big cities like the capital Dhaka, Chittagong the largest port or other cities like Rajshahi, Rangpur or Khulna. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The fishing is another important activity and the fauna and flora are very rich and the Bengal tiger is the National symbol. It obtained the independence at 26 March 1971. Visit Bangladesh!
Shiva temple in Rajshahi, Bangladesh