The country is situated in the west of the Central Asia with six neighbors: Iran to the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to the north, China to the north-east and Pakistan to the south and east.
650.200 km²
30.500.000 people
Kabul 3.300.000 people
Languages spoken:
Pashto, Dari (Persian language), Uzbek
Government form:
Republic, Dictatorship
Time zone:
+4.30 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Afghanistan relief and waters:
Afghanistan is a large country in Central Asia with a relief mostly composed by mountains in the central, eastern and north-eastern parts with the Hindu Kush Mountains covering these areas which have many peaks over 4.500 m height and the highest is Noshaq Peak at 7.492 m height. In the southern part there is Margo Desert and the only fertile lands good for agriculture are situated in the north and in the rivers valleys. The most important rivers are Helmand and Kabul. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com)
Afghanistan climate, resources, economy and population:
Afghanistan has a climate with cold winters and warm and drought summers, but the temperatures and rainfall vary due to elevation. The country is rich in resources like natural gas, coal and minerals and the most part of the population works in agriculture. The locals cultivate cotton, sugar cane, orchards, nuts and cereals and grow millions of sheep and goats for food and for wool used to produce the famous Afghani carpets. This is a country with a mix population composed by Pashtuni, Tajik, Uzbek and Hazara and many languages are spoken but the official ones are Pashto, Persian and Uzbek languages. Unfortunately the country was affected by conflicts and wars for a long time and the best known is the 10 years old war between Russia and the locals and then the conflicts produced by the Taliban after 1995. So much the worse is the situation in the present when the majority of the population is living in poverty, with no access to the fresh water, living with fear for dangers and many of the Afghans unfortunately are dying young. The capital and the largest city is Kabul situated in the mountain area from the west and the country obtained the independence at 19 August 1919. Visit Afghanistan!
Hindu Kush Mountains from Afghanistan