Banat Region
Banat region from Romania is situated in the west part of the country and it neighbors the following regions: Crișana is in the north, Transylvania in east and Oltenia in south-east. In the north-west part is the border with Hungary and in south-west is the border with Serbia.
17.211 km²
924.000 people
The biggest cities:
Timișoara, Reșița, Lugoj, Caransebeș.
The component counties:
Banat Region
History, name and relief of Banat region:
Banat region as well as whole Romania, has an interesting and rich history. In the past this area was dominated by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and later became part of Romania. The name “Banat” comes from ancient times from the word “Ban” which meant Governor, so all these lands were called Banats in the past, which were governed by a Ban. Banat‘s relief starts with a mountain area in the east part represented by Western Carpathians and a small part of Southern Carpathians. Heading to west, the relief decreases in elevation and is represented by the West Hills and then by the West Plateau. Between these groups of relief are large valleys and depressions located in picturesque areas meant to impress every tourist who comes here.
Climate, rivers and lakes:
Banat‘s climate is milder than other areas of Romania and the annual average of the temperature is 11-12° C. The rainfall is rich, especially in spring. Due to its position, the climate is temperate, but with big influences coming from the Mediterranean Sea, which makes summers to be very hot and long and winters to be shorter and milder. The longest and most important rivers from Banat region are Danube River which borders the south part and Mures River which borders the north part. Besides these are many other rivers, shorter in length like Timis, Bega, Nera, Cerna or Caras. The biggest lakes (great locations for fishing) are Surduc, Poiana Rusca, Padureni or Poiana Marului Lakes.
Population, agriculture, resources and the nature:
Due to the history of the region, today on its territory are living together, Romanians and many other nationalities like Hungarians, Serbs, Germans, Slovaks, Turks and others. The population mainly work in agriculture and some of them in the extraction of the rich resources of copper, iron, zinc, aluminum or especially coal. Many of Banat‘s territories are covered with deciduous forests and in the mountain area, these are mixed with the coniferous ones. These places are good for those passionate of hunting.
Tourist objectives and attractions, national parks and
reservations from Banat region:
The nature is the main factor here, which created beautiful landscapes and wonderful places, among the most important tourist objectives and attractions from Banat remembering the resorts for relaxation, rest and treatment from Baile Herculane (Herculane Baths), Baile Buzias (Buzias Baths) or Semenic (the last is also known as a winter resort with ski slopes), situated in quiet mountain areas, the beautiful Timisoara and Resita cities, the capitals of the region, each with its own attractions and Comarnic Cave. But above all, are the national parks and the natural reservations. (Find more journeys on The most beautiful ones that have to be visited are Lunca Muresului (Mures’s Meadow) Natural Park, Nerei Keys National Park, Semenic National Park and Iron Gates (Portile de Fier) National Park with the beautiful Danube Gorge. Visit Banat region!
Bigar Waterfall, Nerei Keys National Park, Banat Region
Banat Region
Caras Severin County
Timis County
Arad County
Bihor County
Salaj County
Constanta County
Tulcea County
Maramures County
Satu Mare County
Bacau County
Botosani County
Galati County
Iasi County
Neamt County
Vaslui County
Vrancea County
Arges County
Braila County
Buzau County
Calarasi County
Dambovita County
Giurgiu County
Ialomita County
Ilfov County
Prahova County
Teleorman County
Dolj County
Gorj County
Mehedinti County
Olt County
Valcea County
Alba County
Bistrita Nasaud County
Brasov County
Cluj County
Covasna County
Harghita County
Hunedoara County
Mures County
Sibiu County