Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is the largest country in the Middle East and the richest one and is the 13th in the world as surface. It’s occupying the largest part of the Arabian Peninsula and has shores to the Red Sea in west and to the Persian Gulf in east. It has borders with Kuwait in north-east, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates in east, Oman in south-east, Yemen in south and Jordan and Iraq in north.
2.240.000 km²
26.000.000 people
Riyadh 6.800.000 people
Saudi Riyal
Languages spoken:
Government form:
Monarchy, Dictatorship
Time zone:
+3 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

Saudi Arabia
Relief and climate of Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia has a dry relief, composed by desserts in the north part (Nafud Desert and the southern part of Syrian Desert) and in the south part (Rub al Khali Desert) and a large plateau in the central part. Al Hijaz and Asir Mountains are in west and fertile plains on coasts at the Red Sea in west and also at the Persian Gulf in east. Due to its relief and geographical position, country’s climate is dry and hot and in Rub al Khali Desert is raining once at a few years. In summer the temperatures can pass over 50º C, but the winters are mild. Like in any other desert, the temperature is going under 0º C during the night.
Agriculture, resources and activities:
Unfortunately the water absence is a big problem because the country doesn’t have permanent rivers or lakes. The only solution to obtain fresh water is through desalination, an activity that the locals practice for a long time. As about agriculture, the inhabitants cultivate in the few fertile areas, cereals and grow cattle. Fortunately the country is on the 1st place in the world as resources of oil (more than a quarter from the world’s reserves) and also as resources of natural gas. (Find more journeys on Due to the earnings from the export of oil and natural gas, Saudi Arabia could develop the teaching and sanitary systems and build large and rich cities. Saudi Arabian kingdom was founded by Abd-al Aziz ibn Saud at 23 September 1932.
Religion (islamism), saint places and name of Saudi Arabia:
For Islamism, Saudi Arabia is a saint country and this especially because here is the birthplace of this religion through the prophet Mohamed who was born in Mecca, the most saint place in the world for Muslims. Here, millions of Muslims visit the Great Mosque annually and another saint city is Medina where are some of Mohamed’s remnants. It’s one of the fewest countries in the world where women don’t have any right in society and many things are forbidden for them. The name of Saudi Arabia comes from the Arabian Peninsula and from the Saud family who governs the country for a long time. It is also called The country of the two saint mosques. Visit Saudi Arabia!
Masjid Nabawi Mosque from Medina, Saudi Arabia