American Samoa
American Samoa is a United States dependent territory composed by 8 islands from Pacific Ocean and the closest neighbors are Tonga and Samoa in west and Cook Islands in east.
199 km²
57.000 people
Pago Pago 12.000 people
U.S. dollar
Languages spoken:
Samoan, English
Roman-Catholic, Protestant
Government form:
U.S. dependent territory
Time zone:
-11 hours Greenwich time
Calling code:

American Samoa
Relief and climate of American Samoa:
The main islands are Tutuila, Ofu, Olosega and Tau, plus several other smaller with a volcanic origin and a medium elevation relief that doesn’t exceed several hundreds of m. The climate of this archipelago is tropical wet and hot with the danger of tropical cyclones in the rainy season (over 4.000 mm annually) between November and April. The dry season with temperatures between 27 and 32º C lasts between May and October. The tropical forests hide a large variety of fauna and flora.
Tourism, agriculture and population:
The tourism is less developed comparative with the other islands from Oceania and the main activities that bring the most earnings are the fishing (especially tuna) and the handmade objects. (Find more journeys on Without any help from U.S.A. life would be very difficult for the inhabitants and many teenagers choose to work abroad. As about agriculture, the locals cultivate bananas, coco trees, taro, bread trees, yams, pineapple, papaya and other tropical fruits. More than 90% of the population is living on Tutuila Island. Visit American Samoa!
Enchanting scenery like the Green Bay from
American Samoa, attracts many tourists