Braila County is a good place to go fishing or hunting

Welcome to
Braila County

stema braila


Braila County is situated in Muntenia region from Romania, in the east part of the country and its neighbors are the following counties: Tulcea in east, Constanţa and Ialomiţa in south, Buzău in west and Vrancea in north-west.


4.766 km²


305.000 people

Capital (Residence):

Braila City 206.000 people





Calling code:

+4 0239 or 0339




Făurei, Ianca, Însurăţei

Main roads:

E87(DN2b) Brăila-Galaţi

E584(DN21) Brăila-Însurăţei-Slobozia

DN2b Brăila-Făurei-Buzău

DN22 Brăila-Râmnicu Sărat

DN23 Brăila-Focşani

Braila Map

Braila County


Relief, climate, rivers and lakes from Braila County:

Braila County has a predominantly relief of plain (Baragan Plain and Braila Plain) and meadow (Danube Meadow, Siret Meadow and Brailei Puddle). The highest elevation barely exceeds 100 meters height. Braila‘s climate is temperate-continental with hot summers and milder winters. The annual average of the temperature is around 11º C and the rainfall is low and because if this, the  irrigation are necessary for agriculture. (Find more journeys on blog.worldlifetimejourneys.com) The major rivers with their basins are Danube, Siret and Buzau Rivers, each with their tributaries. The biggest and most important lakes are Tataru, Salty, Albina and Lutul Alb (White) Lakes.

Flora and fauna, tourist objectives and attractions:

The flora is represented by deciduous forests (oak, poplar, willow) and the fauna is specific to the plain area with many species of rodents and fish species present in lakes and rivers. Fishing is a main branch in the area. The most important tourist objectives and attractions from Braila County are Insula Mica (the Little Island) and Insula Mare (the Big Island) of Braila, Viisoara Forest, Lacul Sarat (Salt Lake) Resort, Braila’s Museums, Danube’s Cliff, Braila’s Citadel, the Historic Center, the Clock from the Center and many others. Visit Braila County!

braila county little island

The Little Island of Braila where Danube Delta has its beginnings

stema orasul braila Braila City

Braila County is a good place to go fishing or hunting
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Braila County is a good place to go fishing or hunting
Braila County is rich in lakes full of fish, forests and natural reserves and Danube Delta has here its beginnings. Take a boat tour for a great experience
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